surface engine GmbH

Options d'expédition

Emplacement de l'imprimante Aschaffenburg, Bavaria

Transport maritime intérieur
8,00 $US
Transport maritime international
16,00 $US
Free Delivery from 250,00 $US



KINGS 650 Pro 

Certification Not verified

Zone de construction
650 x 650 x 400 mm
Résolution de couche (la plus élevée)
Prix minimum:
12,99 $US
Matériaux and Colors
Exemples imprimés en 3D
surface engine GmbH Photo d'impression 3Dsurface engine GmbH Photo d'impression 3Dsurface engine GmbH Photo d'impression 3D
Industrial SLA printer with a huge buildsize up to 650 x 650 x 400 mm.
Perfect for rapid prototyping and serial production. Industriy standard. Tough white resin...Plus with high resolution and ABS-like properties. Easy to sand and easy to paint.
Post-process: Supports removed, IPA cleaned and post cured, ready for shipping.

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