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À propos surface engine GmbH

We proudly serve the design industry since over 20 years as freelancers, mostly onsite. Now we decided to aim for something bigger. We founded this company to deliver superior services in all categories from concept modeling up to class A release data, VR presentations, still renderings and animations. Our latest addition to our portfolio is a industrial 3d SLA printer to roundup our services. Our highly experienced staff will deliver, even on the most demanding projects.

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AB, Bavaria, DE
Type d'entreprise Service Business
La possession Partnership
Total des employés <10
Année de création 2017
Chiffre d'affaires annuel ($) 150000


2 févr. 2023
perfect, thank you
Imprimé le: KINGS 650 Pro
Matériau: Gypse
Évaluer l'image #4737566Évaluer l'image #4737565
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Treatstock Achievement

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Registration 7 years
Avg. response time less 48h

Last produced on Treatstock

24 novembre 2019
30 janvier 2023
31 janvier 2023

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