Jourdan Joly Studios

Options d'expédition

Emplacement de l'imprimante Atlanta, Georgia

Transport maritime intérieur
10,00 $US
Free Delivery from 125,00 $US
Transport maritime international
25,00 $US



Original Prusa i3 MK3 

Certification Not verified

Zone de construction
250 x 210 x 210 mm
Résolution de couche (la plus élevée)
50 microns
Prix minimum:
12,99 $US
Matériaux and Colors
Exemples imprimés en 3D
Jourdan Joly Studios Photo d'impression 3DJourdan Joly Studios Photo d'impression 3DJourdan Joly Studios Photo d'impression 3D
Great printer able of printing for .3mm layer heights for fast drafts to fine details all the way to .05mm layer heights. This printer is extremely reliable and...Plus prints are of top quality. The print bed size is good for small and medium sized prints. If desired a larger print can be done in sections and assembled. Primarily printing in PLA for cost effective prints but other materials are available upon request.

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