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À propos SheePEM 3D printing HQ

At SheePEM we have designed multifunctional CNC machines capable of 3D printing, CNC milling and laser engraving. Our machines are fast, precise and reliable. We are offering 3D printing, CNC milling and laser engraving services to makers, companies and individuals alike all over the world.

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Laško, Občina Laško, SI


29 sept. 2017
Imprimé le: SheePEM CNC machine
Matériau: ABS
Évaluer l'image #122299Évaluer l'image #122302Évaluer l'image #122300Évaluer l'image #122301Évaluer l'image #122298
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Treatstock Achievement

Customer reviews
Registration 8 years
Avg. response time more 48h

Last produced on Treatstock

18 septembre 2017

Exemples de travail / processus de production

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