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STL, PLY, OBJ, 3MF, CDR, DXF, EPS, PDF or SVG files are supported

À propos Plug'n Print

We have printers large size for SLA, DLP, SLM and FGF, the materials we print is resin, TPU, Nylos PA11 and PA12

Shipping options

Lisbon, Lisbon, PT
Type d'entreprise Manufacturing Business
La possession Partnership
Total des employés 10-49
Année de création 2013
Chiffre d'affaires annuel ($) 2000000


Affichage de 1-1 sur 1 élément.
FileLa certificationCertifierApplicationIssue DateExpire Date
ISO 13485www.arscert.commedical devices27 août 202426 août 2026


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Treatstock Achievement

Registration <1 year
Avg. response time more 48h