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STL, PLY, OBJ, 3MF, CDR, DXF, EPS, PDF or SVG files are supported

À propos MKPrint

- Schnell - Unkompliziert - Hochwertig -

Wir bieten professionellen Druckservice für FDM Prototypen mit hochwertigsten Filamenten und professionelem Equipment.

Bald auch SLA Prototypen möglich!

Die von uns verwendeten Filamente sind nach 1272/2008/EC klassifiziern und als ungefährlich eingestuft. Sie eenthalten somit keine gesundheits- oder umweltgefährdenden Stoffe im Sinne der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1272/2008.

- Fast - Uncomplicated - High-quality -

We offer professional printing service for FDM prototypes with high quality filaments and professional equipment.

Soon also SLA prototypes possible!

The filaments we use are classified according to 1272/2008/EC and are classified as non-hazardous. They do not contain any substances that are hazardous to health or the environment in the sense of Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008.

Shipping options

Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia, DE
Type d'entreprise Service Business
La possession Sole proprietorship


29 avr. 2021
MKPrint is a manufacturing company based in Siegen, Germany. They operate an FDM machine and offer to print in PLA and PETG materials. Our test order was made in white PLA. The model is printed with the required precision. All the file elements are solid and accurate. The surface of the part is clean with no rough edges. We were pleased with the quality and short turnaround time.
Imprimé le: MINI
Matériau: PLA
Évaluer l'image #2762953Évaluer l'image #2762952Évaluer l'image #2762954
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Treatstock Achievement

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Registration 3 years
Avg. response time more 48h

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10 avril 2021

Exemples de travail / processus de production
