I asked for a recommendation regarding the TPU. Didn't get one, so the TPU part didn't come out at all how I hoped. That being said, I have a feeling the seller is fairly qualified to give me advice, so that kind of stings. Shipment was extra slow. Perhaps due to the situation with the weather right now. Anyway, I got my print. Don't order soft prints, because you'll regret it. It's all just fine, but I will probably be ordering the TPU part in foam instead from somewhere else. The real sad part is that this is probably more so an issue with TPU itself, than anything else. They say it's going to be squishy, but for a lot of people it never is. Screw TPU, but for a final thought: Everything else is great and this would be a far better review if they actually told me to not use TPU. Eh, it's mid. Whatever. Job done I guess. :)