Horton Custom 3D Printing

Options d'expédition pour

Emplacement de l'imprimante WOOLWICH, ON

Transport maritime intérieur
Taux fixe du service postal
Free Delivery from 125,00 $US
Transport maritime international
Taux fixe du service postal



Form 2 

Certification Not verified

Zone de construction
145 x 145 x 175 mm
Résolution de couche (la plus élevée)
25 micron (0.001 in.)
Prix minimum:
31,25 $US
Matériaux and Colors
Tough Resin
Turquoise foncé
Durable (PP-like) Resin
Flexible Resin
Gris ardoise foncé
High Temp Resin
Exemples imprimés en 3D
Horton Custom 3D Printing Photo d'impression 3DHorton Custom 3D Printing Photo d'impression 3DHorton Custom 3D Printing Photo d'impression 3D
We have three Form 2 printers. Prints processed at 100 or 50 micron. 25 micron layer height will add a fee, as the time to print significantly increases.
All prints...Plus will be washed and UV cured using Formlabs' WASH and CURE automated systems. We will clean the support 'nubs' off the parts, but some final detail finishing may be required by the purchaser, depending on the intended use of the printed piece.
I spend time working with the customer to determine an optimal print orientation to protect critical surfaces and to reduce material used by supports.
With over two years of almost daily Formlabs printing, I'm confident I can produce a print you'll be happy with.

Form 3L 

Certification Not verified

Zone de construction
300 x 335 x 200 mm
Résolution de couche (la plus élevée)
25 microns
Prix minimum:
50,00 $US
Matériaux and Colors
Tough Resin
Exemples imprimés en 3D
Images non téléchargées
Currently printing in Tough 2000 only.

Please get in touch to determine shipping costs. We ship into the US every day. Minimum $15, maximum $60 freight.

Smooth...Plus surface finish:
Models printed on the Form 3L resemble polished injection-molded for realistic looks-like prototyping and consumer-ready end-use part production.

Consistent precision:
A system of lasers and mirrors ensures uniform print quality, for an XY resolution of 25 microns across the entire build platform.

High translucency:
With precise layer registration and smooth surface finish, translucent materials print clearer than ever, right off the printer.

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