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À propos 3D_printing_maker

We are a Mexican company dedicated to the manufacture of parts using additive technology.

Shipping options

México D.F., Mexico City, MX
Type d'entreprise Manufacturing Business
La possession Sole proprietorship
Incoterms CIP – Carriage and Insurance Paid to (named place of destination)
Total des employés <10


1 févr. 2022
3D_printing_maker is a print service located in Mexico City, MX. The vendor works with PLA and PETG in different colors. Our test item was printed in Yellow PLA. The piece came out as expected: the surface is accurate, all the key elements turned out nice. The dimensions of the item are precise as well. The part was completed in a timely manner.
Imprimé le: Creality CR-10
Matériau: PLA
Évaluer l'image #3607030
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Treatstock Achievement

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Registration 3 years
Avg. response time more 48h

Last produced on Treatstock

31 janvier 2022