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STL, PLY, OBJ, 3MF, CDR, DXF, EPS, PDF or SVG files are supported

À propos 3DMarketP

Whether you are looking at printing engineering parts, artistic models or just daily tools. We are here to help you out! Unlike any other printing services we are flexible at customizing your print! Whether it's layer height, infill density, layer smoothing etc. Contact us today to get your 3D model printed!

Shipping options

Perth, Western Australia, AU
Type d'entreprise Manufacturing Business
La possession Sole proprietorship
Incoterms EXW
Total des employés <10
Année de création 2020
Chiffre d'affaires annuel ($) 30000


Aucun avis trouvé

Treatstock Achievement

Registration 4 years
Avg. response time more 48h

Exemples de travail / processus de production

IMG_20210103_012449.jpg3DMarketP Logo Small.jpgCable Management Organizer.jpgFDM Printing Process.jpgPLA+ Cup Coaster.jpgPLA+ Nuc10 HDD Expansion.jpgPLA+ Pen Organizer, Phone Stand.jpgPLA+ Power Brick Holder.jpgPLA+ Sun Gear.jpgPLA+ USB, SD Card Organizer.jpgPLA+ Worm Gear.jpgTPU Dice.jpg