3D Pro

Options d'expédition

Emplacement de l'imprimante Vilnius, Vilnius

Transport maritime intérieur
70,00 $US
Transport maritime international
70,00 $US



ProJet 3510 

Certification Not verified

No image
Zone de construction
298 x 185 x 203 mm
Résolution de couche (la plus élevée)
32 micron (0.001 in.)
Prix minimum:
3,99 $US
Matériaux and Colors
VisiJet M3
Exemples imprimés en 3D
Images non téléchargées
The parts have excellent resolution and the materials have a variety or properties. This technology is primarily used for smaller parts that can be accurate and not...Plus very difficult to finish. MJP technology is used to build parts, patterns and molds with fine feature detail to address a wide range of applications.

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