Bosch GluePen holder for OBI pegboards

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サイズ: 2.01 x 6.54 x 3.04 in x 1
Model Description
The BOSCH GluePen is very nice!
This holder makes it palpable every time.
And it has a contaner for about 15 glue sticks (7mm)

About my pegboard:
I have buyed...さらに表示 a pegboard from OBI (

This pegboard has square perforations with 1cm^2. This squares has the advantage for us owner of 3d printers that you can build your own set of items directly out of the printer.
The normal pegboards are only drilled with 3mm holes, so you need metal hooks because the prints will break with that thickness.

I am offering a series of all my prints for this pegboard for using or inspiration of your own items.

Please think about the needed density of your prints when you are slicing!
i have used PLA with a density between 25 and 50% (often with support, some items you have to clue befor using them). A resolution of 0.2 mm should be enough for your pegboard-items.
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